With support from Micachu
The first band to grace the Macbeth’s miniscule stage is Micachu, whose quirky, stuttering brand of indie rock is engrossing with its varied textures, odd timings and hidden layers of melody and percussion. Their sound conjures comparisons with acts as diverse as Jamie T and Mum, and despite a distinct lack of sing-able choruses, its very fresh sound and full of subtlety. It’s clear that cult status awaits this intriguing three-piece in the near future. Definitely one to watch.
For fans of: Mum, Janie T, Bjork, Hot Chip
Score: 7/10
Download: Golden Phone

Both the drummer’s comparison of their music with Tina Turner’s, and the Bon Jovi jacket sported by the lead singer, served to dim my expectations of Iglu and Hartly somewhat before they take to the stage. However, after a few bars of their foot-stomping, psychedelic, white-boy-rap, all such associations are proved to be merely ironical. Said jacket is ditched one song in as singer Jarvis Anderson calls out, “Let’s get it down like a mother-fucking clown!” And they seem to be doing just that. The new single, In This City, the first to come from their album ‘& Then Boom’, is greeted rapturously: pretty soon even a busy barmaid is dancing, a drink in one hand and an invisible lasso in the other.
One song later however, about eight songs in, and the band have inexplicably decided to leave the stage: oh wait, they’ve finished their set! In hindsight, their rather sheepish exit seems reflective of the fact that, decent as the set is, their current single is the only standout track; reluctant to be judged on its merits alone, they haven’t saved it till last. It seems doubtful that the new album will have any songs of a similar calibre. Anyway, check it out for yourself: it arrives in UK shops on the 29 September.
For fans of: Beastie Boys, MGMT and Tina Turner.
Score: 5/10
Download: In This City
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